Wednesday 11 July 2012

Having troubles keeping commitments

Recently I came to discover that my abilities for time management and therefore keeping commitments are.....not so put it in simplier words........I suck at doing things in doing things at all, in general. Take the blog for example. Suck at updating it, suck at keeping track of my ideas, leaving everything for "the next time". Have a shitload of "drafted", unfinished posts. And this applies to a lot of aspects of my life. Why? Lack of concentration probably? My mind flying from one thing to another, from one hobby to another. And you know what? Doing things that you like at that particular moment has to have a limit, because in the end you come to want to do nothing. Not because you're lazy, but because you just get lost among all the stuff you "would like to do". But, as I said,there has to be a limit, there has to be some degree of commitment and compulsory regarding everything wanted and needed to do. And also as I relize now, this should be induced in childhood, because a it's rather freaking difficult to change an already formed personality.

Hmmm...this is not a depressive post, just a constatation of a fact and a realization that I have to change things. After all I am no Scarlett O'Hara to think about it tomorrow :) Need to gather, note and organize thoughts.And to prove that I already started working on myself, I write this post at mid-night. That's how commited I am :D (I think a psychologist would say I'm on the right track since I acknowledge this issue of mine :D)

On another note, discovered some really nice blogs of girls from my own country. Very inspiring. Like very. Girls with their own history, speaking their own minds. Also, very modest and "neutral". "Neutral" meaning not making aggresive attacks to whether our country's situation or people per se or people as professionals. They don't give a damn about the world not spinning precisely as they want. They just live their life.....and keep a blog. And thanks for that :D