Monday 26 December 2011


So... I applied for this job, some time back in November and ever since it's tormenting my soul beyond imaginable. I had never before had a panic attack and neither did I think I would have any. Now I have sudden attacks every now and then, all over the day. Who would have guessed, huh? I constantly feel nervious and keep recalling in my mind moments of the interviews (there were 2 interviews): what I did well, and gave them a reason to hire me, and what I did wrong, absolutely ruining my chances to get it. This is so unbearable, for God's sake, why cant I just switch off my brain?

Friday 2 December 2011


Before actually starting to post what I had decided to post, let me put straight some things.

This blog was born out of my love for fashion and impossibility to afford any brand clothes. So, I decided to sew them. Take a garment that I saw somewhere and actually liked and make it with my own hands. Don't ask me about shoes though, it's a real pain in the ass *rolleyes*

Thursday 1 December 2011

Hello, December

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG got my salary today *spend ALL the money* xD Not quite like that but... <:-P
I would say that I love you December, but it is the first day of winter and it's raining in here :| Of course, fuck logic. Why do we need snow in winter, anyway?

Because the weather in absolutely not coresponding to the season even the Christmas spirit doesn't feel. And I'm not exaggerating, it doesn't feel like Christmas coming at all :( It was different last year and the year before last. God knows what's happening, damn weather and crisis and all.

But enough wining, Christmas is coming even if the snow isn't hurrying. And Christmas means presents, tons of food, sweets, oranges and Love Actually :x

Happy December 1st everyone and especially my to good friend whose BDay is today. Yay!

P.S. Wrote whole 5 posts in November, Mother of God I'm hell of a blogger :>